International Medical Tourism School
Международная школа медицинского туризма + B2BWorkshopвыходит за границы Украины и идет на...
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Public HealthFrom 3 to 5 October 2017 in Kyiv the 26th International Medical Exhibition “Public Health” will take place. The centerpiece in the 2017 exhibition will be the equipment and medical technologies for prevention, early diagnosis of diseases and rehabilitation of patients.
The event is organized by Premier Expo company (Ukraine), ITE Group Plc. (Great Britain), GIMA (Germany).
Associate organizer: Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Venue – International Exhibition Centre, Kyiv, 15 Brovarsky Ave., pavilion № 3.
Every year “Public Health” consolidates over 350 leading manufacturers and distributors of equipment, services, medicines and medical products from Ukraine and other countries. For more than two decades the exhibition helps expand the market and strengthen partnerships to companies from Austria, Belarus, China, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Korea, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey.
The traditional thematic sections of the event are: Medical Instruments and Installations, Medical Purpose Products, Pharma, TechPharm, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Laboratory, Emergency Medicine, Beauty and Health, Medical Tourism, Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine, Digital med (telemedicine, digital radiology, e-health).
For delegates’ convenience and effective work at the exhibition ProfMeeting program is introduced. This service is provided to visitors who are engaged in the purchases of medical and pharmaceutical products. ProfMeeting is available for owners and managers of health facilities, head physicians of private and state-owned medical institutions, experts responsible for tender procurement.
Companies “INMED Ukraine”, ‘Queisser Pharma Ukraine”, “Doctor Pirogov’s Laboratory”, “MedAsept”, “Medtechnika Orto”, “Auspicious Ukraine”, “Poltava Medobladnannya”, “REMED” and many others are going to make their first appearance at the exhibition in 2017.
The leaders of the domestic market for equipment and health technologies, like: Toshiba Medical Systems (the Netherlands), Esaote (Italy), Medexim, “Profimed-Service”, “Medaparatura”, “Medgarant”, “Meditorg”, “Gemoplast”, “IMS Ukraine”, “Teleoptic”, are the constant participants of the exhibition. They will present modern diagnostic equipment, precision electronics and mechanical devices for preventive and sports medicine, orthopedics and rehabilitation equipment for medical offices, hospitals, sanatoriums and hydropathic clinics.
Scientific and practical program of the exhibition is traditionally full of conferences, seminars, presentations and discussions on current topics of modern medicine. On October 5th, within the bounds of “Public Health ‘2017” a special event – – Head Physician Day–2017 – will take place. The main aim of the event is to honor and reward the work and achievements of prominent medical leaders from all regions of Ukraine. Last year Mr. Volodymyr R. Romanchuk, the Head physician of Regional Clinical Oncology Center of Ivano-Frankivsk region, was honoured by All-Ukrainian Award “The Head Physician of the Year 2016”.
DIGITAL MED is a demonstration ground for innovation technological solutions. Its organizers are Medblog - speaking professionally about medicine; Ukrainian Association of IT Development in Medicine, as well as International Society for Telemedicine & e-Health – IsfTeH. DIGITAL MED is going to bring together the best national and international representatives digital technologies in medicine: visualization, development of e-Health, telemedicine and personalized medicine.
Medical Outsourcing Days program is dedicated to outsourcing services for healthcare companies. It focuses on managers and owners of medical institutions, head physicians. The event is organized by: Healthcare Studios and Prozorro.
In general, over 30 research and practical events of various profiles are planned within the bounds of “Public Health ‘2017”.
В2В project “Medical Tourism. Exhibition & Conference. MTEC.Kyiv” for several years in succession brings together health care professionals and experts in the tourism industry. The exhibition is supported by Ukrainian Medical Tourism Association and Medical Tourism Doctors’ Association. Among the participants are foreign clinics, rehabilitation and wellness centers, plastic surgery clinics, aesthetic medicine centers, SPA and wellness centers, Ukrainian sector of health and medical tourism, outbound medical tourism operators.
Detailed information is available at the web-site
Statistics of “Public Health 2016” *
Total exhibition space – 5 500 sq. m
270 participating companies from 14 countries
Number of visitors – 8350 people.
Premier Expo SE
Telephone: +380 (44) 496-86-45 (262, 273)
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